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How It Works


Relive Healthwear - Japanese Medical Device 【Number:04BZ200061】

A new Japanese technology that provides various health benefits just by wearing it

Benefits - Simply by Wearing Relive Healthwear

How it works

Inside the shirt

Relive's patented design works by positioning a carefully-selected combination of minerals over certain muscle groups.

The minerals are activated by your body heat and release infrared energy that works on the capillaries

 to improve blood circulation and bring nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. 

the emission of infrared rays promotes blood circulation,

Which can help with fatigue recovery.

Improved Circulation is known to...

  1. Improve nutrient and oxygen flow to the muscles and organs.
  2. Help eliminate waste from the body.
  3. Improve immune function and cardiovascular health.

Support overall health and help reduce the risk of various diseases and health issues.

How it works

How Relive helps to relieve stiffness and pain

Relive Wear stimulates muscles which are not normally used, helping increase the body's flexibility and relieve stiffness and pain.

Tourmaline, Infrared, & Negative Ions

Skin & Beauty Support

The emission of infrared and negative ions from tourmaline has been shown in numerous studies to have positive effects on inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. It is widely utilized in healthcare facilities.

Tourmaline is a mineral with a crystalline compound and molecular formula of Na (Mg, Fe, Mn, Li, Al) 3Al 6(BO3)3Si6O18 (O, OH, F)4; it contains trace elements such as V, Cr, Zr, Mn, Ti, Sr and Ga.

※These are individual experiences; your personal results may differ.

Published Academic Paper

After turning 40 I got really itchy, dry skin. I scratched my skin and even started bleeding. Nothing worked, but after I wore this technology the itchiness STOPPED!!

Mariko.H - Business Owner

Our Secret

The Power of Minerals

Relive products utilize the natural energy of Terahertz and Tourmaline crystals, which have been rigorously tested for safety by our expert team and undergone our unique processing method.